Cost: An Important Factor of Yarn Dyeing Mills
Posted: 07/21/2014 04:07:07 Edited: 07/21/2014 05:07:00Clicks: 7218
As an important, cost should be consider when running a yarn dyeing mill. In general, all of textile departments have the same methods to calculate cost. However, cost may be composite mills or single unit based on different factory or business types. Following is a short list containing cost which is applicable for a single yarn dyeing mill.
Grey yarn is used as raw materials while dyed yarn is finished product in a yarn dyeing mill. There are two ways running business.
Sell dyed to the buyer: Mill buys raw materials, dying raw materials into grey yarn. Then, sell dyed yarn to buyer.
Dye the grey yarn supplied by the buyer: Mill fixes a specific dyeing rate for specific yarn.
Following factors can be consider as cost of dyed products: Total dyes and chemical cost,Total utility cost,Salary,Lunch,Entertainment cost,Government cash incentive,Yarn cost,Dyeing cost,Labor cost (direct or indirect cost),Factory cost,Sales and caring cost,Others cost, etc.
Above factors are the most common cost. Although cost methods can be varied by using different calculating methods, the basis is the same.