According to statistics presented by General Administration of Customs of China mainland in 7th July, 2014, Chinese exports in June grew by 7.2% and the imports increased by 5.5% compared with the same month last year. On the base of that, China had a trade surplus of 31.6 trillion USD. אָבער, above three data all lower than the market forecast. In the first half year of 2014, total import and export value declined by 0.9% than those of 2013 when calculated in RMB. פונדעסטוועגן, the general import and export value from January to June reached 2,020 trillion USD, rose by 1.2% איבער דער זעלביקער צייַט. This increase included 106,186.3 trillion USD exports that grew by 0.9% און 95,899.8 trillion USD imports that grew by 1.5%. דעריבער, the favorable balance of trade reduced by 4.4% צו 10286 trillion USD.
Zheng Yuesheng is the press spokesman of General Administration of Customs and director of Comprehensive Statistics Department. He stated that, in spite of the promising economic forecast, it is still very difficult to realize 7.5% growth goal throughout the year under complex situation of international economy and trade.
In the first season, ratio of seven labor intensive commodities, including textile, in American market decreased by 0.6% and reached 44.4%, while the ratio in European Union and Japan also decreased by 0.9% און 2.4% respectively, and each reached 41.2% און 58.2%. אין דער זעלביקער צייַט, textile from Vietnam, Mexico, ינדיאַ, Bengal, פּאַקיסטאַן, אאז"ו ו. accounts for increasing shares of the European and American market. Traditional manufacturing industries, especially the labor intensive merchandises, are accelerating transfer to Southeast Asia and its surrounding countries.
וואָס ס מער, some developed countries are decreasing its investment abroad to prosper economy and expand employment. They are endeavoring to promote the backflow of manufacturing industry. The competitiveness of China export products is being weakened due to continually growth of cost. דעריבער, advantages of the traditional industries are being whittled constantly. The trade friction aggravates in this process, which also limits further expansion of export space.
פּאָסטן: טשיינאַ טעקסטילע קורס דעקרעאַסעס אין אייראָפּע & אַמעריקע
דעם אַרטיקל איז געשריבן דורך דזשעאַווין פון די זשענליהואַ, אַ לידינג טשיינאַ קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאַשין פאַבריקאַנט, סאַפּלייער & עקספּאָרטער. די פירמע איז באגאנגען צו די ריסערטשינג, דעוועלאָפּינג, שאפן און סעלינג פון קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאשינען. קאָנטאַקט אונדז הייַנט צו באַקומען די E-קאַטאַלאָג. ריפּראַדאַקשאַנז פון דעם אַרטיקל זענען ינקעראַדזשד אָבער מוזן אַרייַננעמען אַ לינק צוריק צו הטטפּ://