Circular open top machine is a type of circular weft knitting machine. It is mainly used to knit single jersey. It is called as circular open top machine because of many triangle looping systems. Circular open top machine adopts latch needle, having high production efficiency.
Weaving structure of circular open top machine is equipped with sinkers. When needles insert into cylinder, cylinder rotates relative to needle triangle. When needle butt passing through needle passages of needle triangle, needles move up and down. When sinkers insert into ring groove, ring of sinkers consolidate with cylinder. Then grooves will be separated from each other, arranging needles and sinkers alternatively. Rings of sinkers rotate relative to sinkers triangles. When heel pieces of sinkers pass through sinkers triangles, sinkers move in radial direction. When needles rise, throat pieces of sinkers hold old loops for clearing. When needles descend, sinkers quit. Needles grapple new yarns and shelve yarns on chins of sinkers for kinking and looping. דעמאָלט, sinkers propel for traction.
Needle triangle of circular open top machine is classified into single needle passage and multi needle passages. Single needle passage circular open top machine only uses a type of latch needles while multi needle passages circular open top machine utilizes various needles with different height of needle butts. Those needle butts move in their own needle passages. Needles insert into cylinder based on definite configuring sequence. Needle passages of triangle are configured for looping, non looping or tuck stitch.
Circular open top machine can be equipped with various needle selection mechanisms. The machine control needles to need large pattern single jacquard ניטיד פאַבריקס to meet the needs of patterns. The machine is called as single jacquard knitting machine. Circular open top machine can be also equipped with line mechanism, utilizing mechanical or electric control system to change colors and categories of yarns. ינ אַלגעמיין, yarn feeding mechanism and pull mechanism of circular open top machine is similar to circular weft knitting machine.
פּאָסטן: Structure of Circular Open Top Machine
דעם אַרטיקל איז געשריבן דורך דזשעאַווין פון די זשענליהואַ, אַ לידינג טשיינאַ קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאַשין פאַבריקאַנט, סאַפּלייער & עקספּאָרטער. די פירמע איז באגאנגען צו די ריסערטשינג, דעוועלאָפּינג, שאפן און סעלינג פון קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאשינען. קאָנטאַקט אונדז הייַנט צו באַקומען די E-קאַטאַלאָג. ריפּראַדאַקשאַנז פון דעם אַרטיקל זענען ינקעראַדזשד אָבער מוזן אַרייַננעמען אַ לינק צוריק צו הטטפּ://