נאָך פינישינג אַוקסיליאַריעס פּראָסט קוואַליטעט פּראָבלעמס מיט די סעלעקציע

1. soft finish in the common quality problems
1.1 Feel should reach
Soft style soft finish varies with customer requirements, such as soft, גלאַט, fluffy, soft waxy, oily, dry slide, אאז"ו ו, depending on the choice of different styles softener. As in the film, different film structures softener, סאָפטנאַס, bulkiness, slip, yellowing, the absorbent fabric etc. affect different; in silicone oil, modified silicone oil of the performance of different groups have different modifying such as amino silicone, hydroxyl silicone oil, epoxy-modified silicone oil, carboxyl-modified silicone oil, אאז"ו ו. properties are different.

1.2 pale yellow
Film and amino silicone in general with the amino group structure could easily lead to yellowing. In the film, the film is soft cations good, feel good, easily adsorbed on the fabric, but yellowing discoloration affect hydrophilicity, such as the cationic film converted into soft spirits, which will greatly reduce the yellowing hydrophilic there improved if the cationic silicone compound and the hydrophilic film, a hydrophilic finishing agent or compound, will improve its hydrophilicity.

Anionic or nonionic film film not yellowed; Some non-yellowing film, does not affect hydrophilicity. Amino silicone oil is currently the most widely used silicone oil, but the group will cause yellowing discoloration, yellowing greater the higher the value of ammonia, it should use low yellowing amino silicone or polyether-modified epoxy modified so difficult Pan yellow silicone oil.
ווייַטער, when the emulsion is sometimes used as a cationic surfactant as emulsifier 1227,1831,1631, these emulsifiers will produce yellowing. Emulsifying silicone emulsifier used is different, די “strippingeffect different causes stripping under different circumstances and coloration; already belongs to discoloration.

1.3 Hydrophilic fabric fell
General Structure of the lack of the film deposition and the use of water-based silicone group, and a hydroxyl group as the closure of the cellulose fibers, the wool carboxyl group, amino group, אאז"ו ו. These absorbent absorption center causing drops, possible use of anion, p; dark spots
The main reason is a deep stain fabric oil wastewater pre-treatment to the net, while at the oil stain darker color; or dye mixture vulgar excess foam, foam and flower hair Pied, dyes and other stick on the fabric; or defoamers Gone oil resulting dark oil spots; or vat of tar-like substance into the fabric; or dye aggregation in different situations from dark spots or excessive water calcium and magnesium ions stick to the fabric and dye binding finest reasons. To be targeted for treatment, such as degreasers plus processing time before scouring, dyeing auxiliary low-foam, no foam additives, defoamers select varieties of easy floating oil, add chelating agents to improve water quality, plus dispersant solubilization anti-dye aggregation, timely and clear cylinder cylinder wash clean agent cylinders.

1.5 shallow spots
The main reason is the pre-treatment stain shallow uneven, poorly some parts of the capillary effect, refused to produce certain infectious or reject with infectious substances, calcium soap, soap and other magnesium with a cloth or pre-treatment, or additives mercerized uneven spots, uneven drying or semi-finished, or cloth stained with sodium sulphate, soda ash and other solid undissolved material before dyeing or drying drops in Sheung Shui, or dyed fabric soft treatment when finishing stains. Similarly, treatment must be targeted, such as strengthening the pre-treatment must be difficult to choose form when calcium and magnesium soap before handling aids, pre-treatment must be uniform and thorough (this choice and scouring agent, penetrating agent, טשעלאַטינג דיספּערסאַנט, mercerized penetrant and other relevant ), sodium sulfate, soda ash, אאז"ו ו. must be of good into the cylinder and the need to strengthen production management.

1.6 alkali spot
The main reason is the base spot after pre-treatment (such as bleaching, mercerization) or to base net is not uniform, resulting in plaque produce alkali, alkali process must be strengthened to pre-treatment process.

1.7 softener collapse
The reason is probably caused softener stains are the following:
(1) the material of the film poor in adhesion with the fabric softener block;
(2) the film of the material too much foam in the tank when the cloth, fabric softener foam tape stains;
Poor (3) Water hardness is too high, water impurities and binding lectin in the fabric softener. Even after making cloth with some stains Plant hexametaphosphate or alum-treated water, these substances and impurities in the water to form floc into softening bath;
(4) Oil anionic substances, eating soft, and combined into a cationic softener stains or cloth with alkali, so softener cohesion;
(5) The type softener structure, some residue was purified from the resulting softener emulsified state becomes adhered to the fabric at high temperatures, אאז"ו ו;
(6) the original cylinder tarry substance softener in the fabric sticks to fall.

1.8 silicone oil stains
Silicone oil stains are difficult to deal with a class of stains, mainly:
(1) Oil pH value below the neutral, especially with alkali, resulting silicone emulsion breaking floating oil;
(2) bad treatment bath water hardness is too high, the silicone oil in more than 15Omg / L hardness of the water easily floating oil;
(3) between silicone quality problems, including poor emulsion (emulsifier poor choice, poor emulsification process, emulsion particles too large, אאז"ו ו), intolerance shear (mainly silicone itself quality problems such as silicone oil, emulsifying system, silicone varieties , silicone synthetic process, אאז"ו ו).
You can choose resistance to shear, electrolyte resistance, resistance to change in pH silicone oil, but beware of silicone oil use and the environment, can also be considered elected hydrophilic silicone oil.

1.9 fluff poor
Raising poor operation (such as tension control, raising roller speed, אאז"ו ו) are closely related, for raising it, the softener (commonly known as the wax), the control of the fabric of dynamic and static coefficient of friction is the key with raising machine, so raising soft preparation is the key agent, if softener too poor, a direct result of poor fluff, and even cause broken or Brad width variations.

2 resin finishing common quality problems

2.1 formaldehyde problem
Since the resin of the resin of free formaldehyde and N-methylol structure caused by the decomposition of the formaldehyde levels of formaldehyde. Should adopt ultra-low formaldehyde resin or no formaldehyde resins.
Of course, the problem is very widespread formaldehyde sources, such as the fixing agent Y, ב, softener MS-20, Sl, waterproofing agents AEG, FTC, adhesives RF, flame retardants and other additives may also cause THPC formaldehyde. Migration of formaldehyde in the air at the same time may also cause high levels of formaldehyde on the fabric.

2.2 yellowing or discoloration problem
After the resin finishing, the general cause yellowing, so: to minimize yellowing, discoloration.

2.3 Strong decline issues
General resin finishing will produce a strong decline in fiber protection agents can be added, such as oxidized polyethylene wax emulsion body.

2.4 handle problems
General hardening resin finishing touch will cause the phenomenon, can be added to the soft component, but be careful not to affect the resin finishing quality. Improve the feel of a strong decline in problem greatly improved. But feel stiff surface of the resin caused problems are caused by drying resin itself and other reasons, to be targeted for improvement.

3 other quality problems

Metal ions exceeded 3.1
Metal ions Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Hg, As, Pb, Cd and other export products to be detected, if exceeded, also the same as formaldehyde have serious consequences. In aid of such metal ions is less, but some additives can cause excessive, such as emulsion contains a lot of mercury antimony trioxide flame retardant, water repellent CR, phoboTexCR (Ciba), Cerolc (Sandoz), אאז"ו ו. with chromium. Mordant dyes used on wool, the dye used in the media as potassium dichromate or sodium dichromate or sodium chromate, Cr6 + will be exceeded.

3.2 color change
After finishing in the color change is more, it must be noted that the choice of dye staining, dyeing play when Andrew, you must press the corresponding finishing process, to determine whether the choice of dye additive effects occur in the pale, אַוואַדע, the best choice will not cause discoloration after finishing agent is the best option, but often have limitations (such as copper antimicrobial agent itself has color, chromium waterproofing agent also has color, will cause fabric discoloration), while also taking into account the dyed fabric during the drying curing light color dye sublimation and other factors yellowing and discoloration caused by excessive temperature caused.

3.3 APEO exceeded
APEO as an indicator has also been restricted in some countries, this indicator and pre-treatment of the scouring agent, penetrant, India staining of detergent, leveler, after finishing softener emulsifier etc. related in the case currently widely TX, NP series of surfactants as additives raw materials, and its prevention difficult, the only way is to insist on the use of environmentally friendly dyeing auxiliaries, strictly eliminate additives into the plant contain toxic and hazardous substances and APEO to use.

ווי צו ניט פאַבריק אָן סים

פילע קליידער אַזאַ ווי ה-שירץ און סאַקס געמאכט פון שטאָף פֿאָרמירן אַ סאַלינדריקאַל פאָרעם. סימז קענען ניט זיין געזען אויף די ייבערפלאַך פון קלאָטס. ווי קענען זיין איינגעזען? אין פאַקט, T-shirts or socks are produced by using knitting machine.

אין טעקסטיל אינדוסטריע, ה-שירץ, סאַקס און אנדערע סימלאַס מלבושים זענען ניטיד דורך ניצן קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאַשין בשעת ניטיד מלבושים מיט סימז זענען ניטיד אין פלאַך שטריקערייַ מאַשין. סעאַמלעסס מלבושים טאָן ניט מיינען אַז די קלאָוזינגז טאָן ניט האָבן קיין סימז. אומקערן די מאַלבעש ין אויס און סימז קענען זיין געזען. ביידע קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאַשין און פלאַך שטריקערייַ מאַשין זענען אַזוי הויך אַז מענטשן קענען ניט פאַרגינענ זיך זיי. פֿאַר זיי, סימלאַס קליידער קענען נאָר זיין ניטיד אין טעקסטיל אינדוסטריע.

ייַנשרומפּן סיזעס פון וואָל סטאַקינג האַט אין די דרייער

ווי קענען ייַנשרומפּן די סיזעס פון וואָל זאָק הוט אויב עס איז אַ ביסל גרויס? עמעצער זאל וואַשן די הוט צו ייַנשרומפּן די סיזעס פון די הוט. אָבער, אַז וועט אָפענגען אויף די פּראָפּערטיעס פון די יאַרן געניצט צו שטריקן די הוט. אויב די יאַרן איז ניט באהאנדלט צו זיין סופּערוואַש, עס קענען זיין שראַנגק אין די וואַסער.

בשעת די שטאָך דעפֿיניציע וועט זיין פאַרפאַלן ווי די שרינגקינג איז געפֿירט דורך פייבערז אין די יאַרן פוזזינג אַרויף און טאַנגלינג צו פֿאָרמירן אַ פעלטעד שטאָף. דער בעסטער צו טאָן אַ קאַנטראָולד ייַנשרומפּן איז אַז ייַנשרומפּן די הוט אין די דרייער אַנשטאָט פון וואַשמאַשין אַזוי אַז איר קענען האַלטן לייכט ווען עס איז די רעכט גרייס. אָנהייב מיט הייס אָנגעזייפט וואַסער - ווי הייס ווי איר קענען שטיין צו שטעלן דיין האַנט אין און וואַשן די הוט אין די הייס וואַסער, סקראַבינג עס קעגן זיך און אַגיטאַטינג עס ווי פיל ווי איר קענען.

וואָס זענען טייפּס פון שטריקערייַ?

ינ אַלגעמיין, טייפּס פון שטריקערייַ קענען זיין קלאַסאַפייד אין האַנט שטריקערייַ און מאַשין שטריקערייַ. האַנט שטריקערייַ קענען ווערן געניצט דורך מענטשן אין שטוב בשעת מאַשין שטריקערייַ איז דער הויפּט געניצט אין אינדוסטריע ווייַל פון הויך פּרייַז פון שטריקערייַ מאַשין. שטריקערייַ מיט גלייַך נעעדלעס, קייַלעכיק נעעדלעס און טאָפּל שפּיציק נעעדלעס אָדער פינגער שטריקערייַ איז באטראכט ווי האַנט שטריקערייַ. לום שטריקערייַ קענען זיין אויך גערופן ווי מאַשין שטריקערייַ.

אָבער, קראָושיי איז ניט אַ טיפּ פון שטריקערייַ ווייַל קראָושיי ניצט אַ ביניען פון נאַץ זיך איינגעשריבן צוזאַמען בשעת שטריקערייַ האט אַ ביניען וואָס איז מער ענלעך צו וויווינג אויף אַ שטאָף לום. אין שטריקערייַ, סטיטשיז זענען געפירט פון רודערן צו רודערן. אין קראָושיי, נייַ סטיטשיז זענען באשאפן יעדער רודערן אויף אַ יסוד פון אַלט סטיטשיז.

קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ שטאָף פאַרהיטונג קראָסספּיעסע

Maturity is the key influence yarn quality: the structural characteristics of cotton fibers, affecting the quality of the yarn, the yarn from the most deadly defects, is woven into the fabric, the suction generated by the dyed color is uneven, the fabric surface from rungs, this defect in the whole cotton test project, not testing and unpredictable.

In the present, the textile industry, cotton yarn dyed to know the results, only the batch of yarn by weaving, דייינג, I discovered that the results do not yet have the instrument, the method can predict the situation. (And other issues arising from cross-therefore, it can tell) Fabric dyeing newcomer cross, אַוואַדע, there are a number of reasons, exclude weaving, dyeing problems outside.

Many people say that the circular knitting fabric surface is difficult to distinguish from what the problem is caused by the cross, my approach is: yarn that loom large ones, assuming a 90-way, then we split out in the finished fabric surface 90 יאַרן, then each piece of paper yarn wound on a card, then 90 Sesha do card put in the lamp for color matching, the deep, the shallow, classification, such as color separation obviously, they cotton yarn by color ratio is uneven, nothing to do with weaving. Cotton yarn dyed uneven maximum extent because cotton fiber maturity differences, caused by the amount of color unevenness, different maturity of cotton fiber, yarn are different in proportion to the problems caused by the dye.

Establish standards archives: first establish a standard repository, אַרייַנגערעכנט: א) the maturity of cotton fibers of various standard file that each micronaire standard pattern B) from a variety of cotton fiber cross pattern.

א. Each micronaire standard pattern: pumping a variety of common cotton, micronaire arrangement drawing their kind, including raw cotton, sliver and yarn (cotton micronaire value calculated according to the number of fibers containing yarn, compare the actual case).

ב. cross from fiber pattern: collect all kinds of finished cloth from the cross, and then fold out from the horizontal part of the pattern made ​​of fiber, try to find out from the cross-fiber pattern in common, do the standard Sample. Sample comparison with the standard: to collect a large number of cotton fiber samples from a cross chart patterns contrast with micronaire, and then determine the maturity of cotton fiber really difficult to find since the vast majority of cotton fiber cross immature fibers, and query data , and micronaire cotton spinning before the test is also very different.

Try before dyeing to see the maturity of cotton fiber into yarn, and then assess the situation after staining, confirmed by long-term operation, summed up the successful examples, as the standard method of enterprises. For each feature and cotton fiber maturity, test items, in a variety of clear data, the idea of ​​cotton fiber, only made ​​with cotton and other processes, so that the yarn to the issues resolved in advance.

Sample questions:
General Cotton Mill, most have to do testing of cotton, cotton yarn work, but just look at the test values ​​are often unable to analyze cause of the problem is mainly different sampling conditions sample tests, failure to standard treatment, it becomes actual results do not meet, may require the implementation of national standards. The standards of the cotton fiber maturity and associated test methods listed in cotton, mainly so that we know the microscopic tests, using a variety of methods (methods can be customized), with each company’s equipment, create your own standard real samples Gallery (which may include the projects, where the related impact of cotton fiber maturity and quality of yarn), with improvements to predict and set the appropriate yarn and yarn allocation process.

ווי צו פאַרגרעסערן פּראָדוקציע אין ניטינג פלאָר

Knit fabrics are produced from קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאַשין or flat bed knitting machine. Circular knitting machines are two types, they are single jersey or double jersey knitting machine. This two type’s machine has different cam arrangement settings, which is responsible for design production.Anyhow, production of knit fabrics depends on various factors. By developing the following factors we can increase the production of knit fabrics.

Machine Speed:
Production per hour depends on the speed of the machine. Higher the machine rpm, faster the movement of needle which increase the production. But we should make sure that, this higher speed will not impose excess tension on yarn. Excess tension on yarn can increase the breakage of yarn which is not desired.

Number of Feeder:
If the number of feeder increases in the circumference of cylinder, then the number of courses will be increased in one revolution at a time. Which is responsible for increasing the production.Machine Gauge: Machine gauge also effect the production of שטריקן שטאָף. Machine gauge vary depending on the type of machine and Manufacturers Company. Higher gauge machine gives higher production.

Automation System:
By imposing automation in the machine, production can be increased. Following automation can be added for higher production.Quick starting and stopping for effective driving system.Automatic machine lubrication system for smooth operation.Photo electric fabric fault detector.

By imposing other developments:
Following development can increase the production.Creel feeding system can increase the production.Applying yarn supply through plastic tube that eliminates the possibilities of yarn damage.By using yarn feed control device.In modern time different advanced facilities added to the machine features, which will facilities the more production.

שטריקן פאַבריק פאָלץ אין פּראַדאַקשאַן | ז און ווייַ אָף רעמאַדיז אָף ניטינג פאָלץ

Knit fabric is produced from loop formation. So it needs to be careful during production. Different types of faults could be found in שטריקן שטאָף, which could be the cause of fabric rejection. If we can find out the defects of fabric during production, than we can take steps to remove it from the next knitting production process.In practical; following knitting faults could be found in the knit fabric. Some knitting faults and their remedies are given bellow:

Hole MarkCauses:
During loop formation the yarn breaks in the rejoin of the needle hook.Holes are the results of yarn breakage or yarn cracks.If the yarn count is not correct on regarding structure, מאָס, course and density.Badly knots or splicing.Badly set of yarn feeder.

Needle MarkCauses:
When a needle breaks down then needle marks come along the fabrics.If a needle or needle hook is slightly bends then needle mark comes on the fabrics.Star Causes:Buckling of the needle latch.Yarn tension variation during production.Low G.S.M fabric production.

Sinker MarkCauses:
When sinker corrodes due to abrasion then sometimes it cannot hold a new loop as a result sinker mark comes.If sinker head bend then sinker mark comes.Drop StitchesCauses:If yarn is not properly feed during loop formation.Use of defective needle.Too loose of take down mechanism.If yarn tension is insufficient.If yarn feeder is badly set.Oil StainCause:When oil lick through the needle trick then it pass on the fabrics and make a line.Rush StainCause:If any rush in the machine.Pin HoleCause:Pin hole may come to fabric due to break down or bend of the latch.

Grease StainCauses:
Improper greasing in the machineIF greasing is excess.Cloth Fall OutCause:Cloth fall out can occur after a drop stitch especially when an empty needle with an empty needle with close latch runs into the yarn feeder and remove the yarn out of the hook of the following needles.

Yarn fault is responsible for this fault.If different micro near value of fiber content in yarn.Different luster and dye affinity of fiber content in yarn.During spinning different similar classes of fiber is mixed specially in carded yarn and these fibers have similar characteristics.In draw frame different similar classes sliver is mixed and make one sliver.

Yarn ContaminationCauses:
If yarn contains foreign fiber then it remains in the fabric even after finishing.Lot mixing and count mixing is responsible for these faults.Fly DustCause:אין שטריקערייַ אָפּטיילונג צופיל לינט אָדער קורץ פיברע איז פליענדיק צו און פראָ אַז זענען באשאפן פון יאַרן רעכט צו נידעריק דרייַ ווי געזונט ווי יאַרן רייַבונג. This lint may adhere or attached to the fabric surface tightly during knit fabric manufacturing.

Yarn FaultsCauses:
Different yarn faults also are cause for knitting faults.NepsSlubsYarn count variationThick/Thin place in yarnHairinessNow, if we want to remove these knitting faults we should be aware before yarn selection and during knitting of fabric. Knitting machine conditions should be perfect. Needle, Sinker, Feeder and other equipments, which is used, should be fault free.So, Management related person should be aware about the causes of knitting faults and try to reduce the knitting faults.

ווי צו שטריקן אַ קאָלדרע אין שטוב?

Most of blankets sold in market are knitted by using קייַלעכיק שטריקערייַ מאַשין. Although blankets knitted by circular knitting machine have high quality, the price of circular knitting machine is quite high so that none can afford it.

נאָוואַדייַס, people can knit a blanket at home with less money. Using knitting needles, weft needles and yarns can knit a big blanket with high quality. First of all, buy some yarns. The quality of yarns has closed relationship with properties of blanket. Then using knitting needles and weft needles knit yarns into blanket. Knitting requires excellent skills.