Woven cloth structure differs because of various fundamental factors. Fundamental factors have great influence on woven cloth structure.
Yarn types: Yarn types decide the appearance of the woven fabric. Yarns are classified into natural and synthetic. A fabric could be weaved by single types of yarn or the combination of natural yarn and synthetic yarn based on the requirements of customers. The appearance of same structured cloths could vary on the yarn types.
Count of yarn: Count of yarn means the fineness of the yarn having great impact on the fabric structure. Designer chooses the count of the yarn for requirements. The woven cloth structure varies on the count or relative thickness of the yarn which is used as warp or weft. In general, warp has less count than weft.
Number of ends and picks: The woven cloth structure varies on the relative setting or the number of ends and picks. Ends and picks are placed side by side in a given width the length of cloth which is determined by EPI and PPI having influence on the weight of fabric. The number of ends and picks also affects comfort.
Interlacing system: Woven cloth structure also varies on the order of interlacement of ends and picks. Plain, twill or satin are different from each other. Interlacement depends on the design of the fabric.
Finishing: Finishing operation has impact on the appearance of the woven fabric. By finishing modifications, fabrics become smooth, hard, water proof or fire proof.