According to statistics from Customs, Guangdong export of textile yarns, textile products, garments and clothing accessories(hereinafter referred to as textile and garments )in the first half of 2014 reached 121.47 billion RMB, decreasing by 4.1% compared with that of 2013(The following data are all created on year-on-year basis.). There are several main features of Guangdong textile and garments export from January to June, 2014.
a. Exports in June made the largest increase in 2014.
The whole exports of Guangdong is weak in this year while the export volume in the first six months made less than double-digit percentage increase. Export volume reached 25.76 billion RMB in June, increasing by 7.3% on year-on-year basis. This is the highest growth rate since December 2013, with a ring growth rate of 15.6%.
b. General trade is the main export form.
From January to June, Guangdong exported totally 72.9 billion RMB of textile and garments in general trade, decreasing by 8.7%. However, it accounted for 60% of whole textile and garments exports. At he same time, products exported in processing trade way reached 36.6 billion RMB, decreasing by 1.5% and accounted for 30.1%. As to those exported with special supervision of the Customs, the export volume accounted for only 8.1% with 9.87 billion RMB, decreasing by 1.8%.
c. Export to European Union increased rapidly.
Textile and garments exported from Guangdong to Hongkong, EU and the US accounted for 62.2% of the total exports in this line. Among that, products exported to European Union reached 24.06 billion RMB, increasing by 13.3%. The export statistics of Hongkong, America, the ASEAM and Latin America were 29.97 billion RMB, 21.53 billion RMB, 10.86 billion RMB and 6.49 billion RMB respectively. However, exports to this four countries and regions decreased.
d. Private enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises are main forces of export.
In the first half of 2014, exports of private enterprises and foreign-invested in Guangdong enterprises accounted for 43.4% and 42% of the total export volume on textile and garments. Thus stated-owned enterprises covers just 14.7% with 17.84 billion RMB.
Cotton price and emerging markets demands decline all the time. That leads to unfavorable development status of textile and garment industry. Trade barriers accounted by China textile and garments also make the export trade more difficult.