Shrink Sizes of Wool Stocking Hat in the Dryer

How can shrink the sizes of wool stocking hat if it is a little big? Someone may wash the hat to shrink the sizes of the hat. However, that will depend on the properties of the yarn used to knit the hat. If the yarn is not treated to be superwash, it can be shrunk in the water.

While the stitch definition will be lost as the shrinking is caused by fibers in the yarn fuzzing up and tangling to form a felted fabric. The best to do a controlled shrink is that shrink the hat in the dryer instead of washing machine so that you can stop easily when it is the right size. Start with hot soapy water – as hot as you can stand to put your hand in and wash the hat in the hot water, scrubbing it against itself and agitating it as much as you can.

Post: Shrink Sizes of Wool Stocking Hat in the Dryer
This article was written by Jeawin of The Zhenlihua, a leading china circular knitting machine manufacturer, supplier & exporter. The company was committed to the researching, developing, producing and selling of circular knitting machines. Contact us today to receive the E-Catalogue. Reproductions of this article are encouraged but must include a link back to